Hello my name is Bill and I am the cook at home dad,

I have been a stay at home Dad for about 6 years now. During this time I have had the greatest honor of raising our now 6 year old daughter, and rediscovering a great passion of mine. Cooking. I have always loved being in the kitchen but within the last 3 years I have become completely obsessed. Obsessed with creating healthy, nutritional recipes on a daily basis for friends and loved ones. My overall philosophy on cooking parallels strongly with Vedic ideals. Simply put: eat everything. As long as it is fresh, flavorful and prepared at home. Iโ€™m not saying donโ€™t ever eat out, but make at home cooking the majority of what you eat. I should emphasize that I am definitely NOT a professional chef. Just a guy that loves fresh baked sourdough bread, grilling and movies.